Health Risk Assessment (HRA)
Our Alterwood Advantage Health Coordinators’ and Nurses’ goal is to help you improve your health and well-being as much as possible. To meet this goal, we would like to get to know you better. The Health Risk Assessment gives us a framework to gather more information about you and your current health and lifestyle.
Your responses on the HRA help us understand what is important to you and your health. It is quick, confidential, and conducted over the phone so you can do this in the comfort of your own home. Our Health Nurses use this information to create a personalized care plan around your health concerns and goals for improvement. This plan is shared with your doctor(s) and designed to help you get the best possible care for your specific needs. You can also use this plan to have a productive conversation with your doctor at your next visit.
We strongly encourage you to complete an HRA upon enrollment and annually thereafter. Our Health Coordinators and Nurses are ready to help. If you did not complete an HRA when you first enrolled, or if you are unsure, call our Health Services team at 667-262-9412 or toll free at 1-866-675-3944 Monday through Friday, 8 am to 5 pm ET. TTY users should call 711.